Who are the Band Boosters?

The Green Hill High School Band Boosters is comprised of family and supporters of the band programs. We work to raise money to support the students and directors as they work to create and maintain high quality, first-class marching band, color guard, concert band, winter programs, jazz band, and other band programs located at Green Hill High School. Volunteers work in committees to help with various duties including, but not limited to, Concessions, Chaperones, Uniforms, Tote & Tow, Fundraising, Social Media, Hospitality, etc.

Our amazing volunteers also help with band events, performances, and many other band and color-guard student activities. The Green Hill High School Band Boosters is an organization governed by an Executive Board. The Boosters also utilize the help of committee chairs who help fulfill various responsibilities and fundraising needs.

Parents of band and color guard members should complete this form to get information from the boosters:

Support the Band

Our directors, staff, parents, and volunteers invest countless hours in teaching our students to be engaged in and enrich their community. Students are encouraged to have a positive work ethic and be good stewards of the resources they’ve been given. Because district funding provides minimal financial support to music and arts endeavors, fundraising is the only means available to successfully build and maintain our program. ​Students and parents are responsible for earning and raising a “reasonable portion” of the operating expenses. This is an increasingly difficult challenge. We need your help! The Spirit of Green Hill will focus on building a brand new band program which takes a lot of time and money. You can make a difference by pledging your financial support. Any amount you donate goes directly towards the costs associated with creating the lasting legacy of The Spirit of Gren Hill!

Ways to help:

Spirit Wear Car Washes Goodwill Sponsorships donations Fundraisers